$88.00 USD

Money Magik

A Mystical Guide to Manifesting Wealth & The Life of Your Dreams

What you'll get:

  • ✨📝 Slaying Scarcity Inventory to uncover and transform your limiting beliefs, money wounds and blocks so you can call in the abundant wealth and financial freedom you deserve. 

  • 💵 🧲 Money Magnetizing Ritual guiding you step-by-step through creating a tangible expression of your intentions that you’ll combine with mirror work to connect with and reprogram your subconscious to receive your desired wealth.

  • 🧘🏼‍♀️ 👑 Money Manifestation Meditation a powerful guided visualization experience to listen to during your ritual which will support you in generating and radiating the energy of prosperity.


✨Financial Forgiveness Practice

✨ Money Magik Feng Shui

✨ Abundance Playlist